
A Responsible Approach To The Environment.


Haskins and the other constituent businesses of the Shaw Munster Group , R.E.V Gomm Ltd, Shaw Munster Ltd and Tyler and Tyler Ltd are committed to continually improve and promote sound environmental practice.

We recognise and accept our responsibility to minimise, wherever possible, our impact on the environment and to comply with all statutory environmental and legal requirements. We endeavour, at all times, to promote the use of sustainable resources whilst eliminating or reducing practices that are wasteful or damaging to the environment.

Although we operate within a very traditional manufacturing process, which has not greatly changed for hundreds of years, we believe that environmental protection is a strategic business issue and is an integral part of our commitment to protect the environment whilst carrying out our business activities.

The size of our products mean that packaging is usually required to aid protection and display/sale.  However, packaging is always developed to be minimal and with the possibility of reuse by the end user for display and storage purposes.   

We have an in-house recycling policy where recyclable materials and waste from our manufacturing processes are separated and sent to an appropriate facility for recycling. Chemicals used in our manufacturing processes are selected to have a minimal impact on the environment and our waste service providers process, reclaim and recycle components where possible.

Our UK manufacturing raw material suppliers are mainly local within a 20 mile radius of our premises, minimising the environmental impact of transport.

Dependent on time constraints required by our customers, where possible imported components are transported by sea freight rather than air which has significantly lower carbon emissions – Per 1 Ton of cargo  carried over 1 km Sea freight emits 10 grammes of CO2 compared to 470 grammes by air (Source: World Shipping Council 2019).

We are committed to minimise any negative effects. The aims of our company will at all times be:

1.      To protect the natural environment.

2.      To wherever possible reduce the use of all natural resources

3.      To reduce the creation of unnecessary waste at source, manufacture and point of delivery

4.      To prevent and / or minimise pollution caused by the company’s activities

5.      To promote the reuse and recycling of products and packaging where possible

6.      To ensure management and staff receive training on environmental issues

We encourage all employees to act in a way that will improve rather than harm the environment, by making all employees aware of the potential environmental effects of their activities and the environmental benefits of improved performance and will encourage / support initiatives that contribute to an improved environment at work.

We are committed to adopting a sustainable waste management programme and a sustainable sourcing policy by adopting the most environmentally sympathetic means to support our product manufacturing and service delivery. All employees are responsible for working towards the objectives contained within this policy. The Environmental Management Policy shall be reviewed annually or following significant legislative changes, where improvements have been identified it will be communicated to all staff and made available to visitors to Shaw Munster Group who may use the premises.